Illy Monoarabica Single-Origin IperEspresso – Ethiopia
Illy MonoarabicaTM Ethiopia – YirgacheffeTM single-origin coffee is a delicate medium bodied, medium roast coffee with floral and fruit notes.
Located deep in the verdant forests of central Ethiopia, the region of YirgacheffeTM is often referred to as the birthplace of coffee. Here coffee is shade-grown in rich soil, handpicked by artisan producers in small plantations or home gardens. The result is one of the finest coffees in the world.
Taste and Aroma
The peculiar climate and cultivation method of YirgacheffeTM produce a coffee that naturally presents a pleasant arrangement of aromas including floral and fruit notes that unite to create a truly rewarding coffee experience.
From the Taster’s Notes
An Arabica coffee with a sweet and delicate profile, unique for the delicate harmony of its scents that are faded in jasmine flowering notes mixed with others such as ripened melon and citrus. Bitterness, sourness and sweetness are balanced and harmonious.
Selection of high grade beans (screen size 14 and above) prepared for Illy with zero defects, processed via the washed method. Whole bean is available in one or two 8.8oz tin lots, or discounted case lots of 6 tins. Also available in one or two 21 count tins of IperEspresso Capsules or discounted case lots of 6 tins.